Let's work together and change this story...
We first meet in my office and discuss your needs and frustrations. Through a series of questions we can begin to map out how you want to *be* in your home or office. I have several resources to help you match images of rooms, homes, offices, gardens, etc. to your feelings. I'll probably give you a little homework too ...
Then we meet in your space and reclaim it as yours.
This can include repositioning of objects and furniture, altering color choices, ridding the area of clutter and negative weight, and shining light ( figuratively and perhaps literally ) on things that bring forth the emotions you want .
This can include what to do with extremely sentimental pieces, or even whole rooms that hold meaning you no longer want them to hold but to somehow do that with intention and the respect it deserves.
This could also be a re-purposing of a room or creating an area of true privacy, or a sacred space to honor special memories.
Do you want to evoke calm or maybe energy and productivity? Do you want a space to feel nurturing, secure and a place to be your authentic self? Do you want minimalism, or loving layers or perhaps both? Do you want to increase functionality or freedom of movement?
I've had so many clients say, 'I have always wanted a ....' and ‘I just want to feel … when I walk into this room ‘- well lets create that feeling you want.
This is a fluid process and can change as your needs change but the first most important steps are deciding you want to have parts of your home, outdoor areas or office to reflect your intentional self.